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صباح السبت (27 تموز 2024)، تحوّل كل من حرش بيروت ومشتل باب الورد إلى خلية نحل مليئة بالنشاط والحيوية وروح التعاون مع فريق رائع نشيط من شباب وصبايا Volunteering Marathon مشكورين على جهودهم الدائمة للحفاظ على البيئة...🌳🌳💚💚

Cedars for Care (CFC) aims at strengthening the role of civil society, enhancing the values of democracy, respect of human rights and sustainable development.


Khiam El Khair (or tents for a good cause) is a committee of Cedars for Care organization that distributes food (raw and cooked) to families in need


A new £30M facility to provide 74 acute mental health beds, including 6 psychiatric intensive care beds to replace the current inpatient provision for greater Belfast.


A new £30M facility to provide 74 acute mental health beds, including 6 psychiatric intensive care beds to replace the current inpatient provision for greater Belfast.